Friday, June 06, 2008

Photo Exhibit

Candidate for Photo Exhibit
Originally uploaded by Kitty LaRoux.

I know I know... lots of pictures around here, not enough writing! I promise a real post this weekend, but for now your comments would be much appreciated. I've been taking a photography class at Photo Manhattan and on Tuesday night we have an exhibit! How fun! Anyway, I get to show 6 photos that I've taken over the course of the... course, and these are the candidates. Click that link to go to Flickr and view the collage, and click any photo in the collage to be taken to the original. Anything else in the Portraits set is fair game as well. I'm kind of partial to ANTM*. Note that all the photos will be printed in black & white for the show.

P.S. If you want to come, the show's on Tuesday, June 10 at 8 p.m. at 51 West 14th St, #2R. There are a couple of extremely talented photographers in my class, so swing by. It's free, and there will be food & booze!


montague said...

how awesome! i will be out of town, or i would most definitely be there!

Lisa said...

An exhibit! Look at you!