Vote Early and Often
Ultra Fine Flair is on the Z List on Squidoo. Go there and show your support for UFF. It'll motivate me to keep the high-quality (if by quality, you mean frequency) entries coming in '007.
That link again.
Ultra Fine Flair is on the Z List on Squidoo. Go there and show your support for UFF. It'll motivate me to keep the high-quality (if by quality, you mean frequency) entries coming in '007.
That link again.
Posted by Gillian at 2:11 PM 0 comments
In Canada, December 26 is Boxing Day. This year, I celebrated Boxing Day on December 29 with my first trip to Gleason's Gym for some real, honest-to-god boxing training.
Since my office moved to DUMBO in May, I've been thinking about going to Gleason's. But there was that whole marathon thing going on, and time was at a premium, so I didn't do anything about it.
On Wednesday, after a nice long holiday break filled with wine and cookies, I caught up with a couple of my co-workers, one of whom told me he'd been to Gleason's and thought I'd really dig it. He gave me his trainer's card, and I called him immediately to set up an appointment.
This morning I met the trainer, John Douglas, for the first time. On Gleason's Web site, John says, "I like training ladies because of their never say die attitude and I would never deny them the opportunity to box." Right on. I'd told him on the phone that I've never boxed before, and he was really reassuring. When I walked into the gym today I felt a little nervous and giggly about it, and John was super nice the whole time. I warmed up for 10 minutes on the treadmill, then got down to business. First, John wrapped my hands (which made me feel totally hardcore), then we climbed into an actual ring (!) and he talked me through some basic combinations (just into the air for starters). A bell rings every few minutes (I'm not sure of the exact timing, but around 3 minutes), and during the "on" time, people are training, and in between "rounds," everyone rests. There's a 40-second warning bell before the round ends.
After a few rounds of air-punching, I donned a pair of white 14 oz. gloves, and John held up pads for me to punch. That part was really fun, and really exhausting. We moved next to a bag that's suspended from the ceiling and floor, and John instructed me to left-right jab it for the next few rounds. I kind of started to get the hang of that. We then moved to the speed bag, which was tricky to get the hang of. I did get better after a few minutes of practicing, and I'm looking forward to trying that again. We ended with a few dozen situps and crunches.
The cost is really reasonable - today I paid a $15 gym fee, and $25 to John for an hour of training. If I end up going more than once/week, I'll join the gym for $80/month. I loved working with John - he called me "Champ" a lot and was really supportive.
And as I write this entry, I've finally settled on a New Year's Resolution:
Kick Some Ass.
Posted by Gillian at 3:39 PM 0 comments
DLang's Christmas gift from me was a pair of tickets to the Bills game on Christmas Eve. The drive to Buffalo from Waterloo is about 2 1/2 hours, so a 1pm game seemed well-timed for us to get back for Christmas Eve festivities (and a good day-long respite from my family, although I must say, all of the 'bergs were quite well-behaved this year). We donned our Bills jerseys and headed out at 9:30, and with a brief Tim Horton's stop in St. Catharine's, made it to Buffalo at noon. Parking near the stadium was only $10, and DLang was practically moved to tears at seeing the plethora of Bills garb adorning the fans streaming into Ralph Wilson Stadium.
We found our seats and they rocked - 5 rows from the field! (I'd bought them from a season ticket holder on Two Bills Drive.) The guy sitting next to me was there with his son, and they very generously shared their fleece blanket with us. Sitting next to DLang was a kid around 10 years old, there with his mom. At one point, the Bills kicked a very unlikely field goal, and D commented, "That's the most improbable field goal I'll ever see in my life!" The kid replied, "That's the only improbable field goal I've ever seen, because I don't know what improbable means!" Aw.
I have to admit, the highlight for me was seeing the Buffalo Jills. There's nothing like a pretty girl to brighten up your day, and it's even better if she's in a totally cute little Santa outfit and waving around silver pom-poms. I really love cheerleaders. Apparently I have the pipes to be one, too, because at one point the guy next to me asked if I'd been a cheerleader. (He later asked me if I'd been a singer. I told him no, I'm just really loud.)
Despite The Bills' heartbreaking 30-29 loss to the Titans, we had a fabulous day, and I was reminded of how much I enjoy fandom - there is really nothing like cheering your heart out for something. I also really like high-fives. At one point I went to buy us hot dogs, and a bunch of guys sitting along the aisle were high-fiving everyone who went past. It was awesome, and I'm going to try to incorporate high-fiving into my daily activities in the new year.
Posted by Gillian at 7:00 PM 3 comments
Every year my family includes Christmas Crackers with our holiday meals. Apparently this is a tradition adopted from the Brits, as DLang had never experienced such merriment until he was treated to a Christmas Chez Gutenberg. (I'm going to avoid reading the Christmas Cracker Wikipedia entry until after I've written this entry so as not to taint the reader's view with confirmation that my family really is a bunch of freakshows.)
For those of you not acquainted with Christmas Crackers, here's your primer. A Christmas Cracker is a tube about the size of a paper towel roll, tied so that it kind of looks like a big bon-bon. Running through the tube is a cardboard snappy thing, that when pulled apart, makes a snap kind of like a cap gun. All crackers contain a tissue-paper crown, a slip of paper with a joke, and a little prize.
My family has pretty strict rules about cracker usage. First of all, cracker-pulling is a two-person show. No exceptions. Each person holds one end of the cracker to pull it apart. My brother was particularly adamant about this rule this year. The next guideline is that you have to hold the end tightly enough to pull apart the cardboard snapper inside. This is kind of a given, but newbies tend to be light on the holding of the cracker, and it's disappointing not to hear the crack. (Sunny insists that you should hold the snapper between your fingers, but I prefer to just grab the whole end tightly.) And, you have to wear the paper crown. No exceptions to that, either.
This year we had two different brands of Chrismas Crackers. With Christmas morning pancakes at the Lesbians', we had extra-super-deluxe crackers from The Bay. Deniser brought these over and they were Fancy with a capital F. First, they were decked out with super-sparkly daisies, which I LOVED. Glitter everywhere. We cracked 'em open and found seriously the best prizes I've ever seen in a Christmas Cracker. For example: my prize was a little silver picture frame, and DLang got a little magnifying glass (that he actually really liked). The other sweet thing about these crackers is that each of the six crackers came with a different coloured crown! The jokes were corny, but hey, good clean wholesome fun often is.
Later at Shirley's, we had President's Choice Deluxe crackers. The prizes were considerably less good than The Bay's. My "prize" was a luggage tag (booooring). Dos got a keychain-whistle which wasn't bad, and a couple of the prizes were Christmas-themed (DLang got a little Santa tin), which is kind of OK. The crowns were festively red and green.
The PC version is a much better value (I don't know exactly how much they cost, but I'm pretty sure my mom wouldn't have paid more than $20 for the 8 crackers, while The Bay's version rang up at $30 for 6), but if you wanted to impress a date or something, The Bay's are worth the splurge.
I have grand plans to make my own crackers with kickass prizes for next year. I was thinking it would also be a nifty way to propose to someone (make your own cracker with the ring as the prize), but I also have visions of the cracker-pull resulting in the ring flying into some heating grate somewhere. I think I'll stick to mini-staplers and the like.
Posted by Gillian at 6:08 PM 1 comments
A couple of caveats about today's post:
1. I've been in Waterloo for the past 3 days and the intarweb is a little hard to find in these parts. Seriously, I'm typing this entry on an iBook that's about 8 years old with a dial-up connection. (Sirrah! proudly told me yesterday that she'd ordered part of my Christmas gift from the internets. Then she said that actually she'd had Gregoire order it from work because their connection at home isn't secure. Aw.)
2. I've been drinking some wine. Probably more than half a bottle.
OK, on to your regularly scheduled programming. I have good things in store for you, Gentle Reader. The week in the Loo so far has been rather eventful, with Bartleby (Sirrah! and Gregoire's Labradoodle Extraordinaire) and Charlie (their in-utero baby who I've now felt kicking twice!). Yesterday involved some maternity shopping in which I tried on a faux-bump pillow (I'm going to be a supercute pregnant lady) and in which I cracked wise about a vibrating toy ("I have those, but mine aren't shaped like little lions."). Today I had a visit to Sunny's storage space to clear out a "few" (read: 15) boxes of my stuff that actually amounts to my entire high school memorabilia (totally kickass rocker picture of me to be posted next week when I have access to a scanner - I looked like Kim Mitchell for a while there) and, the highlight: My ABBA records. Awesome.
Anyway. As per usual chez Dr. Sirrah!'s, we like to watch a movie. We thought a seasonal film might be in order, but Sirrah!'s choice, "One Magic Christmas," wasn't available, so we opted for the Canadian horror classic (and recently remade) Black Christmas ("If it doesn't make your skin crawl, then it's on too tight!") starring, among others, Margot Kidder (of "Superman" - and her affair with Prime Minister Trudeau - fame). Incidentally, Canada has quite a good selection of horror films. Last year at Hallowe'en DLang and I found Ginger Snaps (Tagline: They Don't Call It The Curse For Nothing) at our local video store and were not disappointed. Hot redhead goes all werewolf. I recommend it. And then of course there's our very own David Cronenberg - Crash is one of the hottest thrillers I've ever seen, but I digress. And Sirrah! is yelling "The Changling, Gill!" at me as I write this, so check that out, too.
"Black Christmas" is the story of a sorority house terrorized by prank phone calls ("It's the moaner again!") and eventually, murder. [Gregoire just told me that because of their primative internet connection, as long as I'm writing this we can't use the microwave. Heh.] So yeah, if you like a good holiday horror flick (and really, who doesn't) this is a great pick. There are some good Canadian accents (although it seems to claim to be set in the US of A, as represented by the American flag on one of the detective's desks). There's good suspense. And you can enjoy this movie without having to endure Michelle Trachtenberg (Dawn in "Buffy The Vampire Slayer") or Lacey Chabert (of "Party of Five" fame), both of whom appear in the remake (and are really, really annoying).
I have to go because Gregoire wants to logon to his gaming newsgroup to write about our earlier game of Poison, of which The Wife (Sirrah!) won two games in a row. Tomorrow we're driving to Buffalo for the Bills-Titans game, and then we'll be back in the evening for The Box and hopefully a viewing of The Sound of Music. I bought extra Kleenex for the occasion.
Posted by Gillian at 12:50 AM 2 comments
I really wanted to write about the Holidailies prompt for today, but then Christmas exploded on my dining room table and I kind of need to do something about that before I jet off to Toronto on Thursday morning. In an attempt to post before midnight, here are the day's highlights.
First stop: Barnes & Noble:
"Do you have a Barnes & Noble Card?"Next stop: Lucky Jeans.
"Would you like one?"
"No, thank you."
"You'd save 20% off of these hardcover books" [gestures] "and 10% off the rest."
"No, thanks."
"Would you like to know how much you would have saved if you had a card?"
[Scans books.] "$20."
"Oh. Actually, can you hold these books for about an hour? I have some other shopping to do and I don't want to carry them around." Read: My husband's business partner has a B&N card and I'm going to swing by their office and borrow it so I can save the 20 bucks.
"I need some help."Much of the rest of the day was spent wrapping presents. I cheated on my boyfriend by shipping some stuff via UPS, but, hey, all's fair in love and Christmas shipping. I am now in the midst of packaging up 40 (yes, 40) takeout boxes' worth of Christmas cookies for my lucky co-workers.
"Sure, what are you looking for?"
"A new pair of jeans. Let me be honest with you. I'm 5'8" and 160lbs, and I don't want skinny jeans. Can you help me?"
"You're funny. And, yes." And, she rocked it. Awesomely, Lucky Brand jeans come with a fortune in the pocket!
Posted by Gillian at 1:39 AM 0 comments
The Sound of Music
I've seen this movie at least a dozen times, and still. Still! It doesn't take long, either. Opening scene. Maria on the mountain, twirling around in her apron. The last time I watched it with Sirrah! she looked over at me 2 minutes into the movie. "Gillian! I can't believe this!" Yeah. How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria does me in.
TV Show:
Once More, With Feeling (the Buffy musical episode)
I know! This one's a surprise to me, too, but I went to the sing-along this weekend and had tears streaming down my face practically the whole time. WTF? (Shut up, Brianna.)
The Babysitter's Here by Dar Williams
DLang and Buddy used to put this song on just to watch me cry. "She's trying not to cry." "How are you feeling, Gillian?" "Ooh! Are you biting your lip?" "Are you OK, babe?" "Is that a tear?" Jerks.
Christmas Songs
In particular, Boney M's version of Mary's Boy Child/Oh My Lord. I don't know what to tell you about that one. Do They Know It's Christmas used to have an effect, too, but I think I'm over it.
It's pretty bad. I think I might be somehow allergic.
Posted by Gillian at 1:13 AM 0 comments
Today is my annual Christmas-Cookie Baking Day. (By "day" I do mean 24 hours, but they're usually not consecutive, because of bothersome things like sleeping and working that get in the way of the cookie baking extravaganza.) Every year I mark my calendar to spend the last, or second-to-last weekend before Christmas baking crazy-ass amounts of cookies. It's a family tradition, really. My mom does the same, and when we arrive at her house for the holidays she has stacks of Tupperware filled with baked goods. Family faves are peanut butter cookies and Nanaimo Bars, a delicious Canadian treat with a coconutty-chocolate base, a layer of vanilla custardy stuff, and a thin chocolate top. Delish. She also makes chocolate chip cookies, which used to be quite crispy, but not in the good way, in the greasy way. A few years ago I told her the truth about her chocolate chip cookies. Gently, of course.
"Mom, your chocolate chip cookies... aren't very good."
She looked at me and blinked. "I know they aren't. I don't know what to do about that."
I was so surprised! My infallable, domestic-goddess mom, didn't have a good chocolate chip cookie recipe! Crazy, that. I hooked her up with a couple of my favourite recipes, and her chocolate chip offerings have definitely improved.
My cookie to-do list this year includes Oatmeal Cranberry and Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread (both from the 2001 Martha Stewart "Cookies" holiday special magazine, which has proven to be an excellent investment at $5.95, Extreme Triple-Ginger Spice Cookies, Maple Stars (which I usually make as snowflakes), and my absolute favourites, Chocolate Chip and Peppermint Crunch Crackles (OK, maybe they're my favourites because I get to crush the peppermint candies with a hammer). Since I'm thinking about them (and my mouth is watering slightly), I think I might squeeze Nanaimo Bars onto the schedule, too. And I've been eyeing a recipe for Pecan Caramel Shortbread Fingers in that Martha Stewart magazine. We'll see how that goes.
Posted by Gillian at 12:08 AM 0 comments
My family's Christmas is quite predictable. Christmas Eve, the Lesbians make VATS of pasta (usually fresh fettucine, with both meat and white sauces - Classico brand is preferred), and we all make the usual enough-to-feed-an-army jokes. After dinner we grab bottles and glasses and slip on whichever pair of Birkenstocks or slippers we can find by the back door, and nip out through the cold night to the studio in the backyard. The Studio used to be a way-too-small garage that was converted a while ago. It's now a cozy little cabin that houses a wood stove, a comfy futon, and, this time of year, the Christmas tree. Once we're all settled (wine poured, feet tucked under blankets, fire stoked), we open The Box.
I don't know when the tradition of The Box was started, but it has to be, oh, at least 15 years old. Sunny (one of the moms) gathers small presents all year, then wraps them up and ties coloured curly ribbon to each gift and puts them in a box. (I'm pretty sure she's been using the same box the whole time, too - it's giftwrapped itself, and 2 white stuffed bears sit on the top.) The curly ribbons are cut long and grouped by colour, and she has as many colours as there are people participating in the annual ritual. The numbers have ranged from 3 or 4 to as many as 6 or 7, depending on who's coupled on any given year. Each person chooses a colour (or is assigned one by the bossier members of the family). The rules are simple: You can trade, buy, sell, or give away any gift - provided you can negotiate an agreement.
Gifts range from a single sock, to a festively-decorated bathroom towel, to a little pouch (often hand-knitted by Sunny) containing 5 shiny Loonies (that's the Canadian equivalent of 5 bucks - sort of). Some of the presents are great - I have DLang and my wedding picture displayed in a silver flowery frame I scored from The Box last year. Some are of limited value (see: single sock) and require one to Buy! Sell! Trade! Most are gathered up at the end of the evening, occasionally one is left behind and I'm pretty sure I've seen a couple that have been recycled over the years.
With the first official Langenberg Family Christmas approaching, I've been thinking a lot about traditions, and I've realized that tradition is way more important to me than ever before. They are what make my memories of growing up really special, and I am excited about continuing old traditions, and starting new ones, with my new family.
Posted by Gillian at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Last night DLang and I rented a car to return a shelf to Ikea in New Jersey. The visit to Ikea itself was mixed - returning stuff there kind of sucks. There's a take-a-number system involved, which cost us our dinner of Swedish meatballs and ligonberry sauce, although we did enjoy 50¢ hot dogs on the way out. Interesting tidbit about food at Ikea: A friend of mine's wife is Swedish, and she claims that the food at truckstops in Sweden is all as good as Ikea food, which makes me happy because a) it confirms that Ikea's Swedish food is authentic, and b) it validates my belief that Ikea food is good. On the way back, I missed the ramp for the NJ Turnpike North, so we decided to drive through Staten Island and take the Verrazano Bridge. Zany hijinks ensued.
Part 1: As we drove past a sign for the Verrazano
"Wow, D! This route is awesome! It's so fast!"
"Gillian, you have no basis for making that statement."
"What are you talking about? We just passed a sign!"
"That sign had no information about distance. The last time I drove this way it took half an hour to get through Staten Island."
Minutes pass. We crest a hill and see the Verrazano in all her glory.
"Am I allowed to get excited now? Or do I have to wait until we're actually *on* the bridge?"
Part 2: Going through the toll booth
"Here's money for the toll."
"Give me enough to pay for the next person's, too."
"Give me $12. We'll do a good deed and pay for the next person's toll. It'll be nice!"
"Babe, no."
"Oh come on. I'll pay you back."
"I'd rather have the cash."
"We'll be like that person's Secret Santa!"
"Fine. You're going to blog about this, aren't you?"
"You're cute."
Posted by Gillian at 8:34 PM 5 comments
Many years ago, my good friend Jon lent me The Pursuit of Wow! by Tom Peters. I was pretty new to the world of business books at the time (read: I was vaguely aware that there was section of them at Chapters). Jon (himself a business-school graduate) thought that I would get a kick out of Tom Peters' enthusiasm and passion, and he was right. While the book is business- and service-oriented, many of the tidbits of wisdom are applicable in one's personal life. (Take this review with a grain of salt; I haven't read the book in nearly 10 years. But it did leave an impression on me. Another grain of salt: I was 23, and particularly impressionable at the time that I read it.)
What I really took from reading Wow!, and another Tom Peters book, The Circle of Innovation: You Can't Shrink Your Way To Greatness, was that no matter what I'm working on, there's some opportunity to do it in an outstanding way.
Last weekend I caught a TBS-showing of "School of Rock." (Note to TBS programming-type people: Thank you for the good movie weekend on TBS. Thank you for showing Legally Blonde and for not editing the part where Elle says "Did you see him? He's probably still scratching his head," and Paulette replies, "Yeah, which must be a nice vacation for his balls." I laugh aloud just reading that line. Awesome. Thanks also for showing Mean Girls, which reminded me of how much I loved La Lohan before she got all grody. DLang just came in and announced that CNN reports that she's going to AA, and is hilariously quoted as saying, "I haven't had a drink in seven days. Or anything. I'm not even legal to, so why would I?")
Anyway. "School of Rock." Right before the end of the movie, when the band is about to go on stage, Dewey Finn (Jack Black) leads the kids in a prayer:
God of Rock, thank you for this chance to kick ass. We are your humble servants. Please give us the power to blow people's minds with our high voltage rock. In your name we pray, Amen.Awesome.
Posted by Gillian at 12:40 AM 1 comments
"Hey, I was wondering if you could make me a Christmas tree skirt. I just use a blanket right now and it doesn't work, exactly, and it looks kind of fugly."
"Um... Well, sure, but you'll have to describe it to me."
"Mom, you know, a Christmas tree skirt."
"Hm. I'm sure I could, but I'm not sure exactly how it would work."
"Ma, I'm sure you've made one of these before." Long pause. "You know, the thing that wraps around the bottom of the Christmas tree! To cover the tree stand."
"Oh! I thought you meant a skirt for you, somehow shaped like a Christmas tree, and I was trying to figure out how the top of the tree would get around your waist!"
Posted by Gillian at 11:16 AM 2 comments
Last night, Mr. Electric and Dr. Funstuff held their annual holiday party. In past years, this party has been rife with scandal, and this year was no exception. While tearing up the dance floor, one of the guests of honour went ass over teakettle (over DLang) and landed on her face, resulting in a trip to the emergency room. Today's update: An hour and 2 stitches after arriving at the ER, she was back in business, apparently out drinking until 4am. Sue, you're an inspiration to us all. Meanwhile, back at the Fortress of Fun, there was an incident involving the Lego Death Star Lego, a candle, two shirtless men, and an explosion. The staff photographer was on hand, so we should have pictures shortly. Be afraid.
The lovely couple pictured here are Blake and Allison. Blake puts the Flo in Flocabulary, and Allison doesn't care if you spell her name with one "l" or two (but as my readers know, UFF is all about accuracy). Also, Allison and Brianna both look really cute in red dresses.
This morning I went to the local greenmarket to purchase the Langenberg Family Christmas Tree: 2006 Edition. A lovely Fraser Fir beckoned from the edge of the lot, and as the tree guy was sawing off the trunk for me, a woman walked up to inquire about the cost of evergreens.
Woman: How much are the trees?
Tree Guy: $10 per foot.
Woman (pointing to an 8' tree): How much would that one be?
Tree Guy: $80.
The woman walked away. I looked down at my 6' tree and panicked.
Gillian: Um, how much is this tree?
Tree Guy: $40. She was wearing fur--she can afford to pay more.
Lesson learned: Dress down for the greenmarket.
And finally, this afternoon I headed to Wall St. to assist at yoga teacher training. On the way to the subway afterwards, I passed the New York Stock Exchange, which is all dolled up for the holiday season. USA! #1!
Posted by Gillian at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Dear USPS,
You don't mind if I call you that, right? USPS? It just kind of rolls off the fingertips.
Lately I've been thinking about our experiences together over the years. We had that long-distance relationship for a while, you know, when I didn't really talk to you directly. Despite me having to use someone else to communicate, you always came through for me. In 1998, you really helped me make the decision to move to the United States, with your promises of self-adhesive postage stamps and Saturday mail (both of which I love to this day, USPS. Thanks for those).
Lately, I've really enjoyed our electronic communications. The way you let me calculate postage, and even print shipping labels, without even having to visit you in person - those little things mean a lot to me. In fact, the other day when I needed to send something to my friend in Canada, you even sent me - for free! - the stickers I needed to properly label the package. That was really nice of you, USPS, and I appreciate it. I'm grateful that you continue to improve yourself - it makes me want to give you extra-nice stuff.
I also want to express just how happy I am whenever I receive something from you. I think about you a lot, and whenever I get email from our receptionist to let me know that I have a package at the front desk, my heart smiles in the knowledge that you're thinking about me too.
There is one little thing I was wondering about. Sometimes you seem a little distant, and after I see you in person I feel weighted down, and like the walk home is really far. And sometimes you're just not accessible to me when I need to see you. Now, I'm not asking for you to be available to me 24/7, because I know that wouldn't be healthy for you. But maybe sometimes, especially during the holidays, you could keep the doors of communication open just a little bit longer. That would really help me to feel more secure in our relationship.
Well, that's about it. I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how important you are to me. I know this is a really busy time of year for you, and I'm thinking about you, USPS, and I'm looking forward to our extra communications this holiday season. I have all the faith in the world that you can make it through to January, so hang in there!
Posted by Gillian at 6:15 PM 4 comments
Whenever I hear someone complain about his or her job being useless, or feeling ineffective at work, I say, "Hey, it could be worse, you could be Vanna White! She doesn't even have to turn the letters anymore - sure, she touches them and they light up, but that's a formality. When someone solves the puzzle, the letters light up automatically. She just stands there!"
I haven't thought much about Ms. White in a while. My parents (the lesbian contingency) are Wheel Watchers (hee), so about the only time I see the show is when I'm visiting. She was brought back to my consciousness this afternoon, when my brother sent me a link to a site about Girls of the NES, on which Vanna is featured along with the likes of Linda from Double Dragon, and Princess Toadstool. The very clever author of this site writes, "Vanna White fucking rules," and I'm inclined to agree, for the following reasons:
1. Vanna hasn't aged. She's been the "co-host" (and I use that term loosely, because her hostingness is debatable) of WoF since 1982. After minutes of scouring the interwebs, the earliest dated photo I could find was this one from 1981, called a Las Vegas cheesecake glamour photo (hilarious!). Cute! And from the official Wheel of Fortune web site, in Vanna's Style section no less. The woman is 2 months from 50, and look at those legs! Look at that skin! Look at her hair! She looks terrific. Well played, Vanna.
2. She's crafty. Say what you will about crafts, but I like 'em. Vanna crochets, and she has several stylish pattern books available, including Vanna's Afghans All Through The House and Vanna's Favorite Crochet Gifts.
3. She's a serious actor. Vanna's IMDB listing proves it. In addition to the many appearances she's made as herself, she portrayed Channel 102 News Anchor in Double Dragon: The Movie. And she held the title role in 1988's made-for-TV movie "Goddess of Love" (which I just added to my Amazon wish list, because, awesome).
4. In 1987, Vanna appeared in Playboy. When I was in college, I had a roommate named James. To put it bluntly, James was a dick. When I broke my foot, James was eager to run errands for me (and frequently "borrowed" my car without permission). When he moved out, he took with him a month's rent, over $1000, from me and our other 2 roommates. He did, however, leave behind a stack of Playboy magazines (to which he had subscribed, further proving he was "that guy"). After James' departure, I thought it would be funny to leave the Playboys in the bathroom, and in the year I lived there, I read a lot of Playboys (no, really, the articles are really good!). (Occasionally after we had people over, I'd notice a particular issue would have disappeared. Most of them reappeared after the next get-together. Heh.) Anyway, Vanna, Playboy. Props to her. If you're going to appear naked in a magazine, that's the place to do it. I did find a picture of her cover shot, and while I'd rather see breast cleavage than ass cleavage, she looks cute, and the PLAYBOY title is quite clever.
5. She was recognized in the Guiness Book of World Records in 1992 as "Television's Most Frequent Clapper," and according to the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, she averages 720 claps per show. (Apparently, Wheel of Fortune is the Most Syndicated Television Game Show. Who knew?)
6. She's a muse. Weird Al has a song about her called Stuck in a Closet with Vanna White. And in 1987, some dude named "Dr. Dave" recorded a song called "Vanna, Pick Me A Letter" which I remember really, really well and can even sing (as DLang can attest), however, it seems my self-proclaimed intarweb-searching queendom is at stake tonight because I can hardly find any info about it. I did find the lyrics, and they're genius:
Vanna pick me a letter,
No one does it any better
I dream about you (Hey, Vanna, is that an all-over tan or what?)
Posted by Gillian at 12:56 AM 1 comments
Labels: pop culture
This year, I attended an 80's-themed Hallowe'en party. You can see DLang in that video about halfway through, decked out as Robert Smith and vamping with Madonna, and I'm near the end as Cyndi Lauper also with Madonna (who was clearly a total lip-sync whore). One of the songs they played was Band Aid's "Do They Know It's Christmas?"
Confession: I used to love this song so much that hearing it actually made me a little teary. And by "used to" I mean as recently as last year. It reminds me of high school and Brit pop and my first-ever cassette tape (Wham!'s Make It Big) and makes me all sentimental.
After hearing the song a few times on the radio this year and listening more closely to the lyrics, it still makes me tear up - only now, because I'm laughing so hard. There was a famine in Africa in 1984 when the song was recorded, and I'm sure that when Bob Geldof was inspired to record the song to raise money for Africa, he had the best of intentions. Let's review the lyrics to see how they've held up since the song was first recorded 12 years ago.
While the first verse is grasping a little for a good rhyming scheme, the words are relatively innocuous:
It's Christmastime,That's a nice sentiment. Let's continue:
there's no need to be afraid
At Christmastime,
we let in light and we banish shade
And in our world of plenty
we can spread a smile of joy
Throw your arms around the world
at Christmastime
But say a prayer,Hm. Who are these "other ones" for whom George Michael asks us to pray?
pray for the other ones
At Christmastime it's hard,The "bitter sting of tears" - that's classic. And it only gets better.
but when you're having fun
There's a world outside your window,
and it's a world of dread and fear
Where the only water flowing
is the bitter sting of tears
And the Christmas bells that ring thereThat's dramatic.
are the clanging chimes of doom
Well tonight thank God it's them
instead of you
Can you say, "white man's burden"?
This next part is one of my favourites:
And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmastime
The greatest gift they'll get this year is life
"We feel sorry for Africa, because it doesn't snow there. And also, they don't have Christ, which we as famous British rock stars know that everyone needs, oh, and George, can you pass the eggnog? No, not that one, that's Sting's vegan mix without the rum. Right, that's the one."
Where nothing ever grows
No rain or rivers flow
Do they know it's Christmastime at all?
Really? Because it's very important that EVERYONE know it's Christmastime. (You'd definitely have that impression if you went to my hometown, where the local Tim Horton's has a Nativity Scene as big as a Honda Civic. The first year I lived in NY I vowed that I was going to meet a nice Jewish boy and bring him home for the holidays, but it didn't happen, well unless you count D2 but he only lasted 4 months and they didn't overlap with the holidays and anyway he was a jerk. It's also further proof that the world is a funny place when you feel the need to insert multiculturalism and religious tolerance into your half-lesbian family.)
Here's to you raise a glass for everyone
Here's to them underneath that burning sun
"Thanks for that eggnog, that's the stuff. I heard Bob was going to get us some ice, too. No, we're not going skating, Sting. Go back to your tofunog. Simon, tell Boy George I'm going to be in the third stall, he'll know what I'm talking about. Cheerio!"
Do they know it's Christmastime at all?
Posted by Gillian at 12:47 AM 1 comments
Just like Sandra Lee is semi-homemade*, I'm now semi-famous! A Datalounger posted a link in the forums to Ultra Fine Flair. While the Kwanzaa Celebration Cakestravaganza isn't exactly how I'd like to be known for my culinary prowess, I'll take it. And might I encourage you to also read about how I made croissants from scratch?
Posted by Gillian at 11:22 AM 0 comments
It appears that at least a couple of people have stumbled on UFF from Holidailies. Without further ado, here is a totally cheap intro to this blog (format plagarized from The Write Coast, another Holidailies participant).
Sunday Meme: Finish the sentence
I’m always: a redhead.
I say too often: "That's so awesome!"
I think flowers are: an awesome (hee) gift, especially cut flowers, because their entire purpose is to make someone happy.
My favorite Beatles song is: "Octopus's Garden"
My parents are: women.
I hate: raisins in stuffing.
I love: daisies, good red wine, and things that are orange.
I was born: on the first day of Summer!
Sometimes I try too hard: .
I work well on things: with other people.
My childhood was: happier before I went to therapy. (It's true.)
I love to read books about: people.
I’m addicted to: the bean.
I drink too much: of the bean.
My earliest memory is: standing up in my crib and saying, "Hello, World!" (which my mom says I did every morning).
The last place I went on vacation was: Connecticut.
I think living far away from: most of my family is probably a good thing.
I want to live closer to: my best friends (who are spread out over 2 countries), Sunny, and the Pacific ocean.
The President is: American. Don't blame me.
The Media is: busy.
Right now, I should be calling: my mom.
The glass is: full of sparkling water.
If I could go anywhere it would be: Paris. No, Santa Cruz. No, Waterloo. No, Madison. No, Andalucia. No, Brazil. Ack!
Life is: a trip. Someone should sell tickets. I'd buy one.
I love the TV show: The O.C.
I don’t get enough time to: be alone.
One of the nicest things someone has ever done for me is: be my friend no matter what.
When no one’s around, I really like to: sing along.
My all-time favorite movie is: "Raiders of the Lost Ark."
If I had a million dollars: I would buy you a green dress.
My dream job would be: working with food and people.
My dream life would be: the one I'm living.
I hope: Memphis lives forever.
I would like: Denver to win the Super Bowl.
I dream about: everything. I had one about breastfeeding a few months ago. It was lovely and peaceful.
I have nightmares about: losing love.
In five years, I want to: be a mom.
On my desk is: a decorative Kleenex box.
My favorite website is: Dooce, because Heather's writing inspires me.
Posted by Gillian at 7:21 PM 2 comments
Here's a link to the article I mentioned yesterday. It's worth reading.
Posted by Gillian at 5:47 PM 0 comments
This morning on the hour-plus trek to Central Park to run the 7th of 9 NYRR qualifying races I need to complete this year for guaranteed entry to next year's NYC marathon, I flipped through the NYTimes Magazine, and almost skipped an article entitled, "The New, Soft Paternalism." (The Magazine section on isn't updated to this week yet; I'll add a link tomorrow.) On first glance, the article appeared to be about gambling self-blacklisting. However, I turned the page to the following highlighted text:
According to Hume, the self that inhabits your body today is only similar to, not identical with, the self that will inhabit your body tomorrow.Huh.
three identity issues seem particularly common, and often underlie what concerns us most during difficult conversations: Am I competent? Am I a good person? Am I worthy of love?When any of these issues are challenged, we can be knocked off-balance, or have an identity quake.
Posted by Gillian at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Pronunciation: 'kän-"tekst
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, weaving together of words, from Latin contextus connection of words, coherence, from contexere to weave together, from com- + texere to weave -- more at TECHNICAL
1 : the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning
2 : the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs : ENVIRONMENT, SETTING
There is a very old Sufi story about a man whose son captured a strong, beautiful, wild horse, and all the neighbors told the man how fortunate he was. The man patiently replied, "We will see." One day the horse threw the son who broke his leg, and all the neighbors told the man how cursed he was that the son had ever found the horse. Again the man answered, "We will see." Soon after the son broke his leg, soldiers came to the village and took away all the able-bodied young men, but the son was spared. When the man's friends told him how lucky the broken leg was, the man would only say, "We will see."
(Source: Yoga Journal)
Posted by Gillian at 12:52 AM 0 comments
Welcome to December! Friends in NY - you might think it's actually late-April from the weather (the flowers on my block certainly do, as they continue to bloom rather enthusiastically), but no, here we are, only 24 short days until Christmas. W00t!
Though the end of November means that NaBloPloMo is over, Holidailies is just beginning, and I've signed up as a Portal Participant. That means if you look at the Holidailies site, you'll see Ultra Fine Flair listed along the left side, which also means that Blogger better watch out, because traffic to UFF is going to SKYROCKET!
And you guys can say you knew me way back when.
Posted by Gillian at 1:30 PM 2 comments
A few days ago, Brianna IM'd me a link, which I unfortunately clicked.
Go ahead, click it. I dare you.
I watch the Food Network a lot. It's like my porn. Nine times out of ten, when DLang comes home later than me, I'm sitting on the couch, eating something of questionable nutritional value (hi bag of chocolate chips!), and watching FoodTV. I can watch just about anything on that channel, but should Sandra Lee's show "Semi-Homemade" come on air, I'm out. I'm all for convenience, but come on Sandra! A few weeks ago (while searching frantically for the remote control to END THE HORROR) I glimpsed her scooping out the insides of a pumpkin pie and a cheesecake, and mixing them together to make a pumpkin cheesecake filling. It was just wrong.
Now, in all my years of using the World Wide Web, I've seen some crazy shit - however, I don't think I've seen anything quite like Sandra Lee's Kwanzaa Celebration Cake. It's offensive and wrong on so many levels. For one, the recipe includes a store-bought angel food cake, corn nuts, and canned apple pie filling. Those things DO NOT GO TOGETHER. (Frankly, canned apple pie filling doesn't go with anything, although when we were grocery shopping for Project: Kwanzaa Celebration Cake, Brianna charitably suggested that a non-baker might use it to bake an apple pie. She's nicer than me.) Next, the recipe is on, Now, I know Thomas Keller isn't exactly vying for a slot on the Food Network, but there are some respected, reputable chefs who contribute, and what exactly do Mario Batali and Wolfgang Puck think of the "food" that Sandra "cooks"? Thirdly, look at her, and think hard about what this woman knows about Kwanzaa.
Let's look at that picture again:
Anyway, we decided to get together and create this culinary delight. A quick stop at Key Food and $20 (we also bought ice cream) yielded the necessary ingredients. (Brianna had the more reasonable ingredients at home, like vanilla, cinnamon and cocoa. Somewhat surprisingly she also had corn nuts, which is good because we actually couldn't find those at the grocery store.)
I sliced the angel food cake in half and placed the bottom on Brianna's grandma's silver platter. (We really are just that classy.) Brianna mixed up the frosting, and despite my protests and the recipe CLEARLY stating that we should use a large bowl, she insisted upon adding the mix-ins directly to the frosting cannister, claiming, "That's how Sandra would do it." Spillage was minimal. We then frosted the cake (Sandra doesn't use a crumb coat) and got to the fun stuff: Canned apple pie filling. 21 ounces of it.
"There's no way this is all going in that hole."
"Make it fit. Come on, just jam it in there."
Hehe. That's what she said.
Next came the fun stuff: pumpkin seeds, popcorns, and corn nuts.
Why, Sandra? Why? What compelled you to put corn nuts on a cake?
Three Jim & Gingers later, we had assembled our masterpiece. Either Sandra's cake (and thus her hole, hehe) was much bigger than ours, or she was daintier than her recipe called for with those toppings, because, dudes, look at this thing:
(We forgot the candles.)
We actually did taste it and then rinsed our mouths with turpentine, because turpentine was less offensive to our taste buds than store-bought vanilla frosting mixed with cinnamon and cocoa. Then we drank some more bourbon.
Photographic evidence is available on Flickr.
Brianna's recap of our cakestravaganza is on Random Access Babble.
Posted by Gillian at 12:46 AM 11 comments