I. Am. Freaking. Out.
Usually I count down to important events using the number of sleeps to go until the event, for example, "8 more sleeps until Puerto Rico!" or "4 more sleeps until payday!" (One notable exception is my birthday, to which I count down in shopping days.)
However, in my attempts to count down to the Berlin Marathon I've found myself confounded by the overnight flight. That can't count as a sleep, can it? Maybe as half a sleep? Let's make the safe assumption that for once I'll remember to bring one of the myriad inflatable neck pillows that line the floor of our closet, and that I'll take a Benadryl as soon as I'm buckled into my seat. I think in that case counting the redeye as a sleep is fair, in which case:
Whew. I don't suppose hyperventilating right now will help, either in the short- or long-term.
Berlin will be my third marathon, which is really hard to believe. It's also the first time I see the value in a training journal, which I haven't kept regularly the last couple of years, and certainly didn't this year. It would be nice to have answers to such burning questions as:
- Was I freaking out this much last year before the marathon? (Answer: Probably.)
- Was I eating as much crap as I have been this week? (Answer: Definitely.)
The race will be broadcast live on the interwebs. I think you can also sign up to get text messages of my progress. I can't find the exact link right now but it's somewhere on the marathon website, and maybe someone who isn't freaking out right now will find it and post it in the comments. Oh and there are profiles of the top female runners - they must've overlooked me but I'll email them about that right now. It might even be fixed by the time you read this - I hear the Germans are an efficient bunch.
I am beyond proud of you. And I'm so excited you're going to see Berlin! Please take as many pics as you can when you're not running...or even when you are running, although I suspect the jiggle of a camera at every step might get a tad irritating around mile 18...
Have such a great time. I'll be cheering you on from the BK!
I checked out the race info and now know just how to get to various points on the course via the S-Bahn and the U-Bahn, but couldn't figure out how to get text message updates. Nonetheless, I will be keeping tabs on the start time and will be cheering you on every step of the way. It's going to be awesome!
So excited for you -- I would wish you luck but know you are going to rock it. Enjoy all the beer and sausage afterwards!
you'll be amazing! rock it gill!
RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!!! I'm so excited for you!
I love you. And I love you more when you run. Listen to yourself but also dig really deep. You. Are. A. Runner.
(I just reiterated all the best advice you've ever given me)
Good luck! We're cheering for you!
8 hours left! good luck!
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