Tuesday, January 08, 2008

HBJ Update

We at UFF are 7 days into HBJ and things are going swimmingly. I've been to the gym several times (OK, three times, but twice to cycling classes which are like super-concentrated hotbody). I've studiously avoided alcohol, eaten only the healthiest of foods (except maybe at Bri's birthday dinner, which involved copious amounts of cheese) and not eaten any sweets of any kind (we'll pretend I wrote this BEFORE I was seduced by the sweet sweet siren call of a jar of Nutella).

Anyway, I'm down 2.5 lbs as of this morning. Hooray!


Gillian said...

Geez, could I pay you to exercise for me? It sounds like you've got the hang of it better than I do.

montague said...

GO YOU! I went to the gym once in this new year... baby steps...

Anonymous said...

dang girl! 2.5 is awesome! i did some weight loss calculator thingie on the interwebs and, according to its wisdom, i should be able to reach my goal [145] by april 6. not too terrible, i reckon.