Saturday, September 23, 2006

More about this morning's run

Nutrition Notes:

- Breakfast: Banana Nut Bread Clif Bar, a baby banana, coffee
- En route nutrition: 2x Chocolate Outrage Gu, Gatorade Endurance Formula (that's what'll be on the course in SF, so I'm trying to train with it)

Stuff I thought about to get me through the last 2 miles:
- My friend Andrew yelling at me to stop whining
- Bagels!
- Pamie's recap of her first marathon
- This blog, and my post about the run (20 miles, in case you've forgotten!)
- Leading with my heart (it sounds silly, but thinking about this made me feel stronger and I'm sure improved my posture!)
- The awesomeness of calling my friends on the way home (K-Dog The Girl definitely wins for most enthusiastic response - we trained together for the triathlon in 2004)
- My friend and 3-time Ironman Triathlete(!) Meredith who is just completely inspiring
- The cause, and all of you who've invested in my fundraising and training. Thanks, again, and I promise to make you proud on Oct. 22!

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