Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to my own Mom, who has taught me how to do so many things, including but not limited to, crocheting, baking, graciously hosting a dinner party for 12, walking in heels, and mixing a decent martini. She also passed along her strong chin and shapely legs, for which I'm grateful. Thanks, Mom - you rock.
Happy Mother's Day to my godmother, Sunny, who taught me (and continues to teach me) about emotional, physical, and spiritual health. At one point she also tried to teach me how to not throw like a girl - hopefully she had more success with the health stuff. She's also the best dog whisperer you'll ever meet.
Happy Mother's Day to Pam, Sunny's partner, who in addition to having a wryly hilarious comment for pretty much every situation, is one of the most generous people I know. She's also Sunny's only link to cyberspace, and recently sent me email that said, Sunny would like to know how to connect to your "blogs"......please write soon - so they might even read this!
Happy Mother's Day to DLang's Mom, Sally, who knows pretty much everything about houseplants (and can teach you a thing or two about nursing, too). It's wonderful to have her in the 'hood!
Happy Mother's Day to DLang's Stepmom, Nancy, who has the awesomest cookbook collection I've ever seen, and will talk to me for hours about food and cats (two of my favourite subjects)!
Happy Mother's Day to new mom Sirrah!, of whom I am constantly in awe. How does she do it?
Happy Mother's Day to Griffin's Mom (and regular UFF reader) Candace, who inspires me to live with honesty and integrity (and doesn't judge me when I don't).
And finally, Happy Mother's Day to all current and future moms, and even to all of you like me who aren't sure but still nurture yourselves and others - like any good mom would.
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